Sunday, December 21, 2008

What Fraidy has learned in the last few days

A while ago Fraidy wrote a couple of articles and posted them online in various article banks.

Yesterday Fraidy googled them and found a great store of sites had them correctly on their pages. That is his name was mentioned, and his bio was in place.

However, Fraidy saw that a couple of sites didn't!

Miaow, scratch!

Fraidy'll probably get a couple of emails of to the domain registrars and have that rectified in the next few day. But then again, he may not, preferring for these deeds to backfire on them.

The articles were "Get Rid of Cash-Register Eyes in Your MLM Business" and "Why is spam still making it to my inbox?"

As Fraidy had some old links in these articles that would no longer do him any good, Fraidy quickly re-registered them so that anyone clicking on the articles would at least have a chance to read The Fraidy Cat Marketer's blog, miaow!

While Fraidy no longer has an MLM affiliation, the information there is still relevant. As for the Spam article, that did lead to Fraidy's MLM opportunity, which for him, did not pan out. A pity: the concept was good.

Once Fraidy can learn how to place the articles on this blog, then they will be.

And that's a Fraidy bye to you.

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