Sunday, December 28, 2008

Fraidy says Funguppy is for your entertainment

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Why is spam still making it to my inbox?

And the spam article


Spam is all invasive and is almost impossible to keep out of an email inbox, no matter what filters you use. The only perfectly spam-free inbox is one that is never used! And that's hardly useful, is it.

One thing to remember is this: email was never designed to be a mass-communication tool, and so was therefore never designed for mass use.

Hence the ease at which spammers can send spam.

Spammers use a variety of methods to get into your inbox, one way being to crawl the web and gather every email address they find. They can then use these addresses themselves, and also sell them to other spammers. Hence, once you're on one list, you'll get on many spammers' lists. Often, once this happens, the only answer is to quit that email address and choose another. Not very convenient, is it.

So what is the definitive and total answer to keeping spam out of email inboxes?

In my view it has to be the use of desktop technology that allows for two-way communication, and ditch email for good.

If the desktop application is not two-way, then email would have to be used for the reply, and that means that our initial problem still exists.

In short, what we need is a paradigm shift in relation to Internet mail, and as such we must opt to use a private and closed system, rather than the undesigned and outmoded 1970's technology, which is email.

This introduces you to the new net world of Private Internet Mail, and a unique two-way private Internet mail system, where spammers and others can not get in. Hence, spam is history: defeated.

Get Rid of Cash-Register Eyes in Your MLM Business

Fraidy'll simply post the articles right here.


Do you have cash-register eyes when it comes to people?

With your current and past MLM companies do you see or have you ever seen the people in your downline as simply things and not the same as yourself?

Do you only think about yourself and getting what you want in business and not providing value to your downline?

If you do or if you ever did, then you have been guilty of having cash-register eyes.

So what should you do about it?

How should you stop this malady; this disease of MLM and network-marketing business?

Just think for a moment of what you want in your chosen MLM business: Don't you want financial security, an easy life style, no money-worries, the opportunities to travel, etc?

Of course you do.

And so do the individual people who make up your downline. So how do you go about this?

Simple. Treat them with respect and treat them as you would like to be treated. Stop calling them your downline and refer to them as your business colleagues. Talk to them as people, and not just a cash cow, because if you do, then in time, without you doing much of anything else, you will most likely make money from their activities because they will want to do the money-making activities for themselves.

Is this a mercenary way to think?

No, simply because that is how all business works, even when you work at a J.O.B.

If you have a good boss at your job, then most likely you will be more productive and make him money. As a result you will be paid a small amount of money called a wage or salary. This is a preset amount most of the time, no matter how much money your work produces. This is your share of the profits.

When you have a team in an MLM business, then because you put in the effort in the beginning to find, train, encourage and generally manage your team, your MLM company rewards you with a share of the profits that they produce. Even board members of large corporations can be paid these same types of monies, and in these cases they are called bonuses, even if the company does not produce a profit.

In MLM businesses these bonuses are only paid on sales made by your team. Hence a truer reward system.

Therefore shouldn't you build a large team and reap the rewards?

So STOP! with the cash-register eyes and treat your team as people.

They will reward you well!

What Fraidy has learned in the last few days

A while ago Fraidy wrote a couple of articles and posted them online in various article banks.

Yesterday Fraidy googled them and found a great store of sites had them correctly on their pages. That is his name was mentioned, and his bio was in place.

However, Fraidy saw that a couple of sites didn't!

Miaow, scratch!

Fraidy'll probably get a couple of emails of to the domain registrars and have that rectified in the next few day. But then again, he may not, preferring for these deeds to backfire on them.

The articles were "Get Rid of Cash-Register Eyes in Your MLM Business" and "Why is spam still making it to my inbox?"

As Fraidy had some old links in these articles that would no longer do him any good, Fraidy quickly re-registered them so that anyone clicking on the articles would at least have a chance to read The Fraidy Cat Marketer's blog, miaow!

While Fraidy no longer has an MLM affiliation, the information there is still relevant. As for the Spam article, that did lead to Fraidy's MLM opportunity, which for him, did not pan out. A pity: the concept was good.

Once Fraidy can learn how to place the articles on this blog, then they will be.

And that's a Fraidy bye to you.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

This Fraidy Cat Gets Sooooo Confused. Do You?

Part of the problem on the Internet is the soul-destroying information overload, which I am so affected by.

A lot of the time when joining one programme, or similar it becomes necessary to join other membership sites as part of the deal.

This confuses the oomph out of me, and The Fraidy Cat Marketer goes into a tail-spin. Nothing gets done. Is that the same with you, too?

I thought so. It's a common problem; one that won't go away any time soon.

So what's the answer? The easy part is personal organisation.

The hard part is; How do we do it, Fraidy Cat?

Good question. I'll work on it and get back to you.

Miaow for now.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Jaffa is No Fraidy Cat

I used to write a blog called "Jaffa the Cat Says", which was written in my cat Jaffa's voice. I should have kept it going. But the problem with it was me! I found it difficult to get ideas to write about.

"With a cat! Are you crazy?" you boom.

"Well, actually, it was my fraidy catness and my self-judging mentality that got the better of me." I defend, "And, well, er, um: I was scared to be me with Jaffa's voice."

Just like when my young son, David, was a boy and he wanted to go "fishing" with his cane pole, string and home-made hook in the stormwater drain and I didn't take him. I was scared of what "other" people might think!

Now, it's a matter of (a sound coming from my mouth with my tongue waving and spit flying everywhere) and I no longer care too much. (Well, sort of. Some things can be hard to shake.) Now David is nearly 21 and it's a bit late for those games!

Oh, well. That's life.

So getting back to Jaffa; she's now about 12, and pity any cat that comes into her domain. She chases them out of it. It does not matter in the slightest if it's a tom cat or a female. No other cat is welcome. This is Jaffa's domain; and she is queen.

The last time I saw her chase a cat it was a tom and I watched as Jaffa chased him out to the front boundary, which is when Jaffa stopped chasing him.

Poor Thomas! He went walking up the street flicking his tail growling and grizzling. But he has NOT been back.

Other times that Jaffa has had fights with cats, fur flew like confetti; mostly the other cat's.

Jaffa is the boss.

So this fraidy cat has to remember that and just do what needs to be done in marketing. Send out his email campaigns, make those calls, etc.

And with the training I'm getting with Veretekk my confidence is growing, also my knowledge.

So join me and send an email to and see what it's all about. In the worst case scenario you'll learn a bit about marketing if you take advantage of the free training available.

Friday, December 5, 2008

So what has The Fraidy Cat Marketer been doin' since last post?

Good question. And here's the answer.

I've put my Fraidy Catness aside and I've joined a couple of programmes, listened to some Internet marketing training and generally had a good time.

But for the moment I'll only tell you about one.

And that's ... wait for it... Veretekk.

Veretekk is a lead generation Company that has to be checked out to believe.

No! That's not hype. Just fact. Check it out for yourself.

Go here sign up for a free silver account and start taking advantage of all the free tools and training.

Try it for a week or a month and then see if you should upgrade.

But really put it through it's paces and use the training.

eMail me at

That'll do for now.


Sunday, November 30, 2008

This Fraidy Catness Has to Stop!

But, it's easier said than done, right?

So, what makes a person a bone fide fraidy cat?

  1. The phone is the enemy
  2. They might reject me
  3. I'm not good enough
  4. I've never done this before
  5. I don't know what to say
  6. etc, etc, etc.
Not really good enough answers, are they!

But there you have it: And these excuses must be overcome. (Can you sense my bravado? Can you sense what's coming? I bet you can.)

It's at this point that the fraidy cat in me starts to make excuses: The above, and so many more, too.

And yet there is no reason to be afraid. Whoever I phone will be someone who has already indicated an interest in what I have to say. So why the panic?

Easy! This takes me out of my comfort zone; I have to stretch my present persona and become someone greater.

And that scares the living daylights out of me.

So NOW is the time to conquer fear and trepidation and not be a fraidy cat anymore.

Yeah, right.

Bye for now.