So, what makes a person a bone fide fraidy cat?
- The phone is the enemy
- They might reject me
- I'm not good enough
- I've never done this before
- I don't know what to say
- etc, etc, etc.
But there you have it: And these excuses must be overcome. (Can you sense my bravado? Can you sense what's coming? I bet you can.)
It's at this point that the fraidy cat in me starts to make excuses: The above, and so many more, too.
And yet there is no reason to be afraid. Whoever I phone will be someone who has already indicated an interest in what I have to say. So why the panic?
Easy! This takes me out of my comfort zone; I have to stretch my present persona and become someone greater.
And that scares the living daylights out of me.
So NOW is the time to conquer fear and trepidation and not be a fraidy cat anymore.
Yeah, right.
Bye for now.
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