Monday, May 31, 2010

This Fraidy Cat's getting pretty howling perplexed

Fraidy's not generally perplexed by much, but them
cats over at Mary Gersten's Global Cash Flow
Network are doing their level-best, it seems to
Fraidy, to do just that!

Does this cat have the wrong end of the stick?

Go and have a miaowing look at
and work it out for yourself.
I hope you have a really good day


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Friday, May 28, 2010

Do Facebook's New Privacy Settings Really Protect Your Privacy? -- Web Pro Headline

"The Illusion of Privacy": That's Fraidy's take on
this deal in both the real and virtual worlds.

Fraidy says that while privacy seems like a
worthwhile thing, it just doesn't exist. Once
someone else knows something of ours then we're
toast. This Internet thing just makes it
super-easy to share with all the other cats.

Or as Jaffa would say, "Miaow."

And these myriad of laws made to make us feel
private: Man are we thick or what! It'll never
happen in this world. Other cats will always
spread the stuff we tell, even when they say,
"Cross my heart and hope to die." That's just

So have a read and tell him if he's wrong.



The comments Fraidy placed

Privacy has never really existed anywhere in life,
let alone on the Internet or Facebook in

As many have said in these comments, 'If you don't
want something made public, then don't post!' is
very appropriate.

Raise yourselves above this and accept that some
people don't like you and will always look for
ways to harm you, defraud you, and generally make
your life miserable: Facebook or not!

That's life, and there's really nothing much you
can do about it.

So, Chill, People and enjoy life. In a short time
they and we will be no more and our progeny will
have a laugh at our expense for being so paranoid.

Just my two-cents worth.

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receive consideration for the promotion of a
product or service. Consideration may be cash,
discounts, merchandise, services or other
non-tangible compensation.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Fraidy Gets Fired Up

Well People, it's not too often that The Fraidy
Cat Marketer gets fired up. But today he did. You
can read it at

You see this Fraidy Cat wants to be known as a
decent and hard working cat who gives everyone he
deals with a fair shake, and never give anyone
cause to wish him dead.

But this Global Cash Flow Network seems not to be
hitting the mark, at least at this point.

He hopes he's wrong, as in W-R-O-N-G wrong. Dig?

The thought of some mouse conning him doesn't sit
too well with him; know what he means?

That's just not right, is it!

But that just might be life, Eh!

See you later.



The blogger attached to this link may or may not
receive consideration for the promotion of a
product or service. Consideration may be cash,
discounts, merchandise, services or other
non-tangible compensation.

PS  If you would like to have your emails and
other writing formatted to specific width, then
try this site on for size. It's not an affiliate
site: I just Like it a lot. Fraidy.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Fraidy's Back. But: Did Fraidy Get Conned?

Sometimes we just have to get ourselves in gear
and get back to work!

Fraidy's last post was Saturday, September 5,
2009. WOW! That long ago? Fraidy sure was slack,
but now he's back in the saddle.

A lot has happened since then. Let Fraidy tell you
about it!

He got out of Net Bug Advertising basically
because it wasn't him.

He tried a few other things and thought they may
have been good, but for one reason or another; No

And then Global Cash Flow Network phoned. See his
other blog for ALL the gory details.

"So what's with this blog now, Fraidy?" he hears
you ask.

Fraidy wants all his loyal readers to know where
he stands on things Internet-connected. Like,
what's good, what's bad and stuff like that.

Fraidy's done a bit of that in the past, but it
was a bit all over the place. Now Fraidy'll do it

Fraidy'll give a Paws rating on stuff, or maybe
his mate Jaffa will, that pesky teenage cat of
his. She's now 14.5 years old, give or take.

Maybe a Jaffa rating.

What do you think? Throw in your two-cents worth
right on this blog.

Fraidy's waiting.

Get going.

Bye for now.

Fraidy, The Fraidy Cat Marketer.

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