Saturday, September 5, 2009

Old WordPress Versions Under Attack


If you use WordPress on your own web space, make
sure that you upgrade it immediately.

Stop-what-you're-doing in
do-it-now immediately.

Read the article above by clicking on the title

Friday, August 14, 2009

Invest or Spend?

In Internet marketing marketers refer to
"investing" rather than "spending". Have you ever
wondered why this is the case?

"Investing", in my opinion, is hype, whereas
"spending" is honest.

When an "investment" is made there is an
expectation of profit.

When money is "spent" there may or may not be any
benefit to us. For example, we spend money at
amusement parks for entertainment, but we never
expect to get any more than the entertainment at
that time. Isn't that the case?

But, when we buy (spend) to get some Internet
marketing product, unless we get the right
training for us then the likelihood is that there
will be no return. In that case, we have spent
our money and not invested it.

To get a return on any money spent we must take
action to learn what we need to learn, and to
take action, isn't that so!

For that to happen, we need to take
responsibility for our own success and have a
"business" mindset and not a "job" mindset. After
all, we will not make any money if we think that
working so many hours will make so much money.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Death of Email Marketing

The Death Of Email Marketing

A new report is available for $1.00 US and it's titled The Death Of Email Marketing by Romell Weekly.

I bought the report to review it and I'll get back to you tomorrow.

If you feel brave enough to invest the $1.00 then here's the link:


Well, that was yesterday's post.

Here follows Fraidy's brief review:

It's an easy 35-page read, which didn't take Fraidy long to read, so he suspects it won't take you long either.

It basically sets out the problems that email poses, which are faced by all Internet marketers, and which further need to be answered.

They are basically listed as minor and major drawbacks, which Fraidy's sure we are only too familiar with.

The bottom line is that email, if it has any effect, is less effective today because of spam, spam laws, spam filters, the sheer volume of email that people get, both wanted and unwanted, etc.

Romell Weekly's solution is basically that as Internet marketers we should NOW start moving our reliance from email to direct-to-desktop communication while it is still in it's infancy, and before the masses catch on: the masses of Internet marketers, that is.

This idea is not new as there are other similar systems that can do this right now.

The difference with this system is this:

You can have private lists, as well as a general public list, which all other members can contact.

The service can be had as a Free member, Starter member ($14.95/month), Pro member ($19.95/month) and Guru member ($24.95/month).

The Guru membership is half of what I used to pay for a similar private mailing system, and so Fraidy finds this a good price for consideration.

At this stage you may want to ask the question, "Why should I pay all this money, when email is free?" Good question. Fraidy's answer is this: Shell out $1.00 US and read the report for your self. Even if you never use the service, this may save you a ton of grief from all sorts of people.

Check your typing

It never fails to amaze Fraidy that the typing skills of Internet marketers results in their wasted advertising efforts.

For example: Fraidy constantly sees things like instead of the link to the site, which is spelled trafficpython. Can you see the error?

Now, while an advanced level of English isn't a requirement for a successful Internet marketer, the accurate spelling of URLs and affiliate links IS!

So these poor marketers are destined to remain in their JOB until their command of English, or at least their checking of the critical parts of their advertising is checked.

The simple way to check this is to copy and paste the URL from the ad and place it in the address bar, making sure that you don't click on any suggestions that pop up under the bar. Then if the correct page loads, you will know that your typed URL in the ad is correct, and that that part of your advertising is not wasted by a clumsy mistake.

Grrrr, Fraidy just hates that type of waste!

Have a Fraidy great day.

Monday, June 29, 2009

The Death Of Email Marketing

A new report is available for $1.00 US and it's titled The Death Of Email Marketing by Romell Weekly.

I bought the report to review it and I'll get back to you tomorrow.

If you feel brave enough to invest the $1.00 then here's the link:

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Do you ever drink cold coffee?

Fraidy finds that he often drinks cold coffee, which generally means he
gets things done at his desk.

It's reminiscent of what used to happen when he worked in offices
and was head-down working on various tasks: his coffee went cold.

Now, if your coffee does not get cold, could that mean that you're
not achieving anything in your day-to-day work?

If that is the case then what can you do to fix this problem?

What are your aims and goals?

What do you want to achieve?

How have you organised yourself?

Do you have a schedule and daily plan for tackling your work?

Is your work area uncluttered so that you can concentrate?

Do you get the idea?

Your work space has to be organised in such a way that you can
work productively and achieve your goals.

If it's not, then you'll just end up spinning your wheels.

What a waste of time that is!

So, do you need a few pointers on getting your workspace/desk in

Try these things, but remember this: what works for one does not
necessarily work for another.

So, if these suggestions don't work for you, then change them until
you get the answer that works for you.

The suggestions are:

1. Have your work area totally empty except for the things that
you'll need for the current task at hand. For example; if you're
writing something, have your notepad, pens, pencils, dictionaries,
etc on your desk, but nothing else.

2. If other people coming into your work space disrupt you, nicely
and politely ask them to give you some quiet time so that you can
get your work done.

3. Does the telephone ringing every five minutes bother you? Then
turn it off, mute it, or unplug it.

4. Is the air in your work space stuffy? Try opening a window for
fresh air, turn on a fan, the air conditioner, or get your favourite
slave to fan you!

In other words, make your work space a comfortable place so that
you can concentrate.

While Frady writes this the office window is open and a gentle breeze
flutters the curtain, Anita is on her computer, Bessie is asleep on
the floor, a chain saw roars in one of our neighbour's backyards, but
my desk is a mess!

So, Fraidy supposes this is a good time for him to take his own advice;
about the desk he means.

The rest is perfect!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Fraidy's first phone call.

Wow! Fraidy just made his first phone call to Andre in Canada and the sky didn't fall on him! And Fraidy sent him a Skype invite, too!

So what's the big hoo-haa?

Simple, really. Fraidy's on his way to being The Fraidy Cat Marketer...Reformed. No phone call too difficult to make, no stranger too unknown to be scared of.

As is often said by many people; "If I can do it, so can you."

So dust of those fears and get going.

Your public awaits.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Fraidy Alert: Veretekk drops setup fees

Miaow Dear Readers: As part of a successful first payment run using AlertPay on Sat Jan 10, 2009 Thomas Prendergast and Mike Darling have waived setup fees for ALL new Veretekk gold subscribers from ANY country, but only until April 1, 2009. This is a $US 99.95 savings to the new gold member.

Here's the official announcement form Thomas and Mike.


AlertPay opens up the world for Veretekk

On January 10th of 2009, Veretekk paid everyone in Veretekk owed commissions regardless of what country they live in. Veretekk has gone from being a viable opportunity in 16 countries to being available in all countries. Now you can get paid regardless of where you live.

In celebration of now being with a great processor, AlertPay, and a very successful and on time payment with them this last Saturday, Jan 10, 2009. I would like to extend an invitation to all of the Silvers that wanted to join Veretekk but didn't because there was no way to send them commissions if earned.

This has all changed now. AlertPay allows us to send commissions to virtually anyone in the world.

In light of these new changes within Veretekk and in anticipation of our new Veretekk portal launch April 01, 2009, as of today all setup fees are waived.

To get your fee waived you must first contact me via Skype and give me your username. My Skype address is INETEKK. After leaving your username I will Skype you back that your account now has your setup fee waived.

This will save you $100 to get the Gold system. And you want the Gold system if you are serious about building a residual business on the Internet.

Take this offer seriously folks. Veretekk is about to explode with the new launch of her WEB 2.0 system come April 01, 2009.


So, naturally, The Fraidy Cat Marketer took advantage of this, didn't he!

You betcha he did! Miaow.

And that's a tail rub around the legs of Thomas and Mike and Veretekk four (4) times. No scratches here.

So what does Fraidy want you to do?

1. Go to AlertPay and sign up for a free personal account.

2. Go to my Veretekk site (just click the link) and sign up for a FREE silver account.

3. Take advantage of ALL the training that's available for at least seven (7) days, and then only if you like what you see, then take up the Veretekk offer. (Fraidy was silver for about two (2) months before taking the plunge.

Don't join just because Fraidy says so. Join because it's to your benefit as an Internet marketer or a hopeful Internet marketer.

Have a very good and Non-fraidy day.

Miaow for now.

PS: Veretekk is best viewed in Internet Explorer 6.0 and higher.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Why you should consider AlertPay for ALL your Internet payment needs

Firoz Patel, CEO and President of AlertPay, is reachable by all members when serious need arises. There are not too many CEOs and Presidents who make themselves available, but Firoz Patel is one.

According to Mr Patel, ALL members of AlertPay are equally important, and no one single group is given preferential treatment.

AlertPay was born out of Mr Patel's own experience of having an ecommerce account closed by an opposition company for a trivial reason.

Mr Patel has stated this will never happen, as AlertPay is determined to be a major player in the Internet payment processing world, and has plans in the works for issuing debit cards to it's customers. Having a debit card, funds will be claimable from local ATMs.

Can you see the benefit of this?

Merchants need access to their funds, and the knowledge that an account won't be suspended for too much activity, whatever that is!

Say a merchant has a campaign and sales skyrocket for that time. AlertPay will not suspend that account, and in fact encourage such activity.

Alertpay is in over 200 countries

Checkout AlertPay today.

That's all from Fraidy today.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Fraidy says: "WARNING: PLEASE pay attention!

Fraidy just found this in his email.

It is genuine.

Fraidy gives this four scratches across the face to these criminals.

Miaow for today.


Hi Andreas,

I wanted to pass this info on to you ASAP, it could save your computer!

For your information:

DO NOT OPEN under any circumstances!!!


Please check it out here on SNOPES address below.

Many thanks to my good friend, Mike Hager, for sending this to me in the first place!

Warmest regards,

Mike Barcus/admin

Friday, January 2, 2009

Fraidy's done his first lot of "Reciprocal Marketing."

It's also called "Reverse Marketing", but "Reciprocal marketing sounds so much nicer.

What it means is that for people have emailed The Fraidy Cat Marketer, Fraidy then goes and sends them an email.

Now, some people don't have an email address that Fraidy can email, but they often have Skype or normal phones numbers. So these emails Fraidy puts in a separate file and soon Fraidy will ... wait for it ... Fraidy will speak to them on the telephone. "Yay for Fraidy." Well, Fraidy hopes that someone is screaming that out somewhere! LOL

So do you want to know the contents of the email that Fraidy sent out?

Just wait a little and all will be revealed.

The thing to remember is to attach your email to the one that they have sent you. Then they will see that you have taken the time to actually skim or even read theirs so you could get their email address.

As far as Fraidy knows this is not spam as it's Fraidy's opinion that if you do not try to sell them anything, then you can email them as an offer to get to know each other better: A business-building relationship method to benefit ALL parties.

So, with that in mind here is the email that Fraidy sent today.


Greetings (their name),

People buy from people they know and like.

Having said that, why should you do business with Andreas Krokene?

There is no good reason at all if you don't know me.

I have not established myself in your eyes as someone trustworthy: So I could be a conman, right?

And you would not knowingly deal with a conman, would you!


Of course not!

So, how can I establish trust with you?

I could brag and say, "I am an honest man, a VERY honest man." But both liars and truthful people would say the same thing, wouldn't they!


And that's the whole crux of the matter, isn't it!

All I can say in my defence is this: Place "Andreas Krokene" (with " ") in your search engine of choice and check out what comes up.

Then, if you have any questions, email me at or Skype me at andreas-in-oz in text initially, and I'll answer your question(s).

Or you could go to

and read the site, click the links and really find out who I am.

Or you could go to

and see me in the guise as The Fraidy Cat Marketer.

But then again, you could just dump this email and forget all about it!

Have a great day.

Kindest regards,

Andreas Krokene.
Unit 2,
6 Cornelian Street,
Scarborough WA 6019

At this point Fraidy doesn't know what (if any) response will come from this, but this is some of the free training that Fraidy's received from Leo Silvestri at Veretekk as part of his FREE silver Veretekk system. And their are many other trainers that Fraidy's learnt from at Veretekk.

So if you really want some top-notch FREE training click on this link and get yourself started ... NOW!

And have a very Fraidy Cat Day!

Miaow, for now.